Monday, February 2, 2015

Geography Songs - Feles & Canis - Spring 2015

Week 1 - Middle East
Week 2 - Middle East
Week 3 - Middle East
Week 4 - Middle East Test
Week 5 - Western Europe
Week 6 - Western Europe
Week 7 - Western Europe
Week 8 - Western Europe Test
Week 9 - Southern Europe
Week 10- Southern Europe
Week 11- Southern Europe
Week 12 -Southern Europe Test

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

1 John 3:16-23 - Verse with hand motions

16.  By this we KNOW (both fists clenched to chest over heart) love, that he LAID DOWN HIS LIFE (make a cross) for us, and WE (point two thumbs to self) ought to lay down OUR LIVES (stretch out two hands with palms up and move arms apart from each other in front of body to indicate the whole audience) for the brothers.
17. But if anyone has THE WORLD’S GOODS (make money motion with both hands by rubbing thumbs and fingers together) and SEES (make searching sign with hand to brow) his brother in need, yet closes HIS HEART AGAINST HIM (fold arms across chest and turn partly as if turning your back on someone, and look away with “cold-hearted look”), HOW (make questioning sign with two hands palms up at sides with bent elbow, and make confused look with eyes) does God’s love ABIDE IN HIM (place open palms over heart)?
18. LITTLE CHILDREN (lean forward with one hand to ear as if beckoning others to listen intently to you), let us not love in WORD (place one hand near mouth and make beak-like mouth motion) or TALK (same thing with opposite hand near mouth on other side to show yapping motions), but in DEED (open first “yapper” hand out in front with open palm) and in TRUTH (place opposite hand in similar manner).
19. By this we shall know that we are OF THE TRUTH (make Bible with stiff hands to form book in front of body) and reassure our HEART BEFORE HIM (palms to chest then skyward and look up);
20. for whenever our HEART (make heart shape using two hands) CONDEMNS US (make gavel motion slamming down in front to show “guilty”), God is GREATER (outstretched arms) than our heart, and he KNOWS (point several fingers to ‘temples’ on side of head) everything.
21. Beloved, if our heart does NOT (arms make an X in front of body) condemn us, we have CONFIDENCE BEFORE GOD (hands palm up and together, lifted toward heaven and eyes also looking up);
22. and whatever we ASK (praying hands, bent head) we receive from him, because we keep his COMMANDMENTS (make Bible with hands) and DO WHAT PLEASES HIM (kneel and look up with palms up and high).
23. And this is HIS (with bent elbow and palm stiff and open with fingers pointing up, eyes looking up) COMMANDMENT (same stiff open hand now  points to audience with straight elbow), that we believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST (alternate third fingers touch to opposite open palms to indicate nail piercings) and LOVE ONE ANOTHER (sweeping hands to audience), just as HE (make cross) has commanded US (stiff elbows, palms face up and outstretched together to audience)

Geography Songs - Fall Semester 2014

Sept. 10 - Continents & Oceans, Middle East

Sept. 17 - Continents & Oceans, Middle East

Sept. 24 - Continents & Oceans, Middle East

Oct. 1 - Continents & Oceans, Middle East

Oct. 8 - Scandinavia Song

Oct. 15 - Scandinavia Song

Oct. 22 - Scandinavia Song

Oct. 29 - Scandinavia Song

Nov. 5 - Southern Europe

Nov. 12 - Southern Europe
Nov. 19 - Southern Europe
Dec. 3  - Southern Europe

Fall 2014 Schedule & Daily Schedule

September 3 - First Day
November 26 - OFF for Thanksgiving
December 3 - Last Day

9:15   Arrival
9:30   Assembly
9:45   Memory Work
10:25-11:15 History
11:15-11:55 Lunch
12:00 - 12:50 Rotation 1
12:55 - 1:45 Rotation 2
1:50 - 2:40  Rotation 3

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Memory Cards - Revised for new 2nd semester dates

Week 13         Jan. 15                           #89-96

Week 14         Jan. 22                           #97-104

Week 15         Jan. 29                            #105-112

Week 16         Feb. 5                             Review           

Week 17         Feb. 12                          #113-120

Week 18         Feb. 19                          #121-128

Break              Feb. 26                          Break      

Week 19         Mar. 5                            #129-136

Week 20         Mar. 12                         #137-144

Week 21         Mar. 19                         #145-152

Week 22         Mar. 26                          #153-160

Week 23         April 2                             Review

Week 24        April 9                              Review

Psalm 91- for assembly (with motions)

Psalm 91:1-11

He that dwelleth (folded hands in prayer) in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow (holds hands overhead and crouch a bit to stay underneath the “shelter”) of the Almighty.


I will say (hand moves outward from mouth) of the Lord, He is my refuge (teacher’s left hand fisted to side with bent elbow) and my fortress (same for teacher’s right hand. . .opposite for students facing teacher): my God; in him will I trust (bring both those hands across body in hug).


Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare (elbows touching in front of body, and hands clap together as if trap snaps shut) of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence (cover ears).


He shall cover thee with his feathers (flitting fingers trace whole body moving from head to knees), and under his wings shalt thou trust (back row of students will hold up arms over students in front of them, and those students will cuddle under the protective “wings”): his truth shall be thy shield (teacher’s left arm up in fighting pose in front of body and fisted hand, bent elbow) and buckler (same with other hand a little lower).


Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night (hands up overhead in terror posture as if blocking danger from approaching); nor for the arrow that flieth by day (adopt archer’s pose);


Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness (tip toe in place); nor for the destruction (clap) that wasteth at noonday (make large circle with arms, like a sun in front of the body).


A thousand shall fall at thy side (teacher throws right arm down to side, student throws left), and ten thousand at thy right hand (teacher throws down left, student right); but it shall not (make large “X” with arms in front of body) come nigh thee.


Only with thine eyes (point to eyes) shalt thou behold and see the reward (slam fist into palm as a judge’s gavel would slam down) of the wicked.


Because thou hast made the Lord (praying hands and bowed head), which is my refuge (closed hands to chest), even the most High (arms to heaven outstretched), thy habitation;


10 There shall no evil befall thee (make large “X” with arms), neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling (make gesture by throat of cutting motion and let head fall to side).


11 For he (point two index fingers to heaven) shall give his angels charge over thee (point two thumbs to self), to keep thee in all thy ways (make sweeping motion with both hands, open palms facing self, crossing in front of body and ending up outstretched overhead in praise posture).


Geography Songs - 2013/2014 - Second Semester

Excelsior – Geography songs – 2013/14- second semester

Week 1- Jan. 15 – Asia song, southeast asia

Week 2- jan. 22 – asia song, southeast asia

Week 3- jan. 29 – asia song, southeast asia

Week 4- feb. 5   - asia song, southeast asia

Week 5- feb. 12 –  south asia (review southern Europe)

Week 6- feb. 19 -  south asia (review southern Europe)

Week 7- mar. 5 – south asia (review northern Africa)

Week 8- mar. 12 – south asia (review northern Africa)

Week 9- mar. 19 – south America, central America

Week 10-mar. 26 – south America, central America

Week 11 –apr. 2    - south America, central America

Week 12 –apr. 9    - review for f&f